To subscribe or unsubscribe: / !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! ! Catt's Claws ... a feminist newsletter ... February 10, 1995 ! !^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^!^! On the night of October 25, 1991 Krista Absalon was gang raped by five men in a Gouverneur, New York tavern/restaurant. They carried her unconscious from the rest room, to a booth in the back of the restaurant section. They then took turns raping her, while she was still unconscious. They even took breaks from the raping to order food. Throughout the ordeal, Krista Absalon remained unconscious. In the days and weeks that followed, the men began to tell stories about what had occurred that night. Charges were filed against the men, but the district attorney D. A. Richard Manning struck a last minute plea bargain which reduced the men's charges to something called "sexual misconduct." Ultimately, the men were fined about $750 each with no jail time. There is a move to overturn the conviction, to retry the case properly and to remove "sexual misconduct" from the legal codes of New York. To demand justice for Krista Absalon and all the women who have been are being victimized by their attackers and then a second time by the male judicial system write: New York Governor Pataki, Executive Chamber, State Capitol, State of New York, Albany, NY 12248 and State Attorney General Dennis Vacco, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12248. (The above is submitted for your action by Nicole A. Perlman, vice- president of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Organization for Women.) (Addendum: The district attorney finally changed his mind and prosecuted. Lo and behold. Surprise! The men were found not guilty since their buddy prosecuted them. Krista Absalon is seeking a civil settlement.) ..................................................................... Finally saw an episode of Star Trek Voyager with Captain Janeway (I live on the side of a mountain and can't get cable.) Kate leaves no doubt as to who is in charge and is human in doing it. Write United Paramount Network, Attn: Star Trek, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038 with another note to Carol Martz, Production Director. ..................................................................... More reflections from L.A. NOW and Nicole Perlman (who saw the inside of a San Antonio jail last summer during the NOW conference when she was arrested for picketing Hooters): The ad campaign for General Food's International Coffees has two women changing their minds and giggling: "no/yes, yes/no. They're all interchangeable." Indeed Nicole, NO does means NO - but Madison Avenue continues to fortify the rape mentality that says a woman means yes when she says no. Write Kraft, Inc., 250 North Street, White Plains, NY 10625 to object. A woman may change her mind, but NO is NO. NO and YES are not interchangeable. ..................................................................... L.A. NOW pointed out that it is not possible to receive a telephone number of a battered women's shelter via the 411 operator. The 411 is the white pages listings which is strictly alphabetical and not by topic so the woman would have to ask for the number using the EXACT name of the shelter. Check your local 411 for the battered women's shelter number and the rape hotline ... if you don't get a number, contact the phone company vice-president in your area ... don't bother with anyone lower ... and complain. Lives are at stake. ..................................................................... "The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision." --Lynn Lavner (Come on, send in YOUR jokes ... this can't be ALL serious...and we will send out jokes that aren't ordinarily accepted by the male media.) ..................................................................... The Choice Net Report contains the following, VERY distressing anti- choice legislation that is starting to flow in the Religious Right controlled U.S. Congress The November Republican tidal wave has resulted in a flood of anti- choice bills. These bills run the gamut from outright reversals of Roe to obscure changes in the IRS code. Some examples include: H.R. 4 Personal Responsibility Act. Creates a gag rule, orphanages, etc. (Part of the Contract With America) H.R. 11 Strengthens the Rights of Parents. Denies info to teens. H.R. 172 Creates adolescent health pilot projects which forbid discussion of abortion. H.R. 222 Allows states to deny medicaid funding to victims of rape and incest. H.R. 230 Alters RICO statute to specifically exempt pending cases concerning non-profit groups. (Scheidler v. NOW) H.R. 231 Changes IRS code to disallow abortion as a medical expense. H.R. 237 Reverses Roe v. Wade. S.B 24 Civil Rights of Infants. Prohibits abortion for gender selection and other purposes. S.B. 28 Unborn Children Act. Declares that abortion is the taking of a human life. This flood will of course continue. It is absolutely vital that pro-choice Americans speak up now to make it clear that reproductive rights can not be negotiated away. ..................................................................... From Lemur: "Hey......did you see the interview with bob Dole over the weekend (I think it was meet the press in the US - it ran here as a special on US politics) in which he announced his intention to support Rex (Robert) Reed on 'the abortion and school prayer issues' after he was 'done with tax cuts'. Scairy, ay?" ..................................................................... Protecting women from domestic violence, which Congress made a national law-enforcement priority last year and may get a forced hysterectomy from the republican congress gets a helping hand from the nation's largest group of lawyers. The American Bar Association unveiled a new Commission on Domestic Violence -- lawyers, doctors, law enforcement officials, social workers and others who will study ways to help victims and their families. Among the issues being considered: --Legal assistance for victims who cannot find or afford lawyers. --Use of criminal sanctions in addition to civil protection orders to prevent further battering. --Lawsuits against abusers under personal injury and civil rights laws. --Training for police and courts. "Until just recently, domestic violence has been our nation's most destructive secret," said Albuquerque, N.M., lawyer Roberta Cooper Ramo, who will become the ABA's president in August. "But even as the national spotlight is focused on this issue, far too many of the estimated 2 to 4 million who will be victimized this year will not get the services they need, and may be forced to return to violent homes," Ramo said. "Because up to 10 million children witness domestic violence in their homes, failure to help their mothers ... also sows the seeds of future generations of victims and abusers." ..................................................................... Quaker Oats, the parent company of the Snapple Beverage Company has notified GLAAD and the National Organization for Women (NOW) of Snapple's recent decision to withdraw sponsorship of "The Rush Limbaugh Show" on television. The two organizations led a grassroots campaign, to persuade Snapple not to continue as a sponsor of the Limbaugh show. I have never tasted a bottle of Snapple - I will this weekend. ..................................................................... A message from a reader: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom is calling for nationally coordinated local vigils on Feb 15, Susan B Anthony's birthday, to protest clinic violence, to reaffirm support for women's reproductive freedom, and to demand action from police, legislators and courts to enforce safety and accessibility at women's health facilities. We feel it is necessary to defend ourselves against the anti-choice movement's declaration of open season on women's rights, starting with our right to life and right to choose abortion. We call upon sympathetic groups of all kinds, whether or not they have been active on reproductive freedom issues before, to join us February 15th; to hold a candlelight vigil, rally or march in whatever form is appropriate for your community. By holding these vigils on the same day, in every community, we can show that we are strong, that we are united, that we are everywhere, and that we are a force to be reckoned with. For more information, please check wilpf.hotline on Peacenet, email to, fax (215)563-5527, or call (215) 563- 7110. Graphic material(pre-fab flyer) is available by fax or mail only. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >>> Send your ideas, comments, and news to for inclusion in the Catt's Claws feminist newsletter which will be emailed up to three times a week. This is NOT an interactive discussion net but an exchange of information and is NOT sponsored by any organization. <<<