03-10-95 Women of Achievement and Herstory March is Women's History Month Laura Perls - (1905 - 1990) a founder of the Gestalt School of psychotherapy, collaborated with her husband Fritz who was the better known and more flamboyant one of the duo and who took credit for Laura's work. Through the years Laura was seen as the mainstay of the movement, heading the major training institute for almost 40 years. She has beenthe recognized as the unacknowledged contributor to the early books by her husband. Edith Cowan, the first woman in Australia to be elected to Parliament. President of the National Council of Women. She was more concerned with controlling the spread of venereal disease than the dangers to the civil liberties of the women under the Health Amendment. Mrs. B.M. Bessie Rischbieth, opposed the bill because of its threats to women's civil liberties. BMR was active in the Women's Service Guild, President of the Australian Federation of Women's Societies which was linked with the International Women's Suffrage Alliance. One of their goals was to provide training and aid to unemployed women who generally could not get aid from the government. "It is a fact that some of these women are being allowed a few shillings for food by the Welfare Department, but it is nobody's business to see that they are housed, and obviously seven shillings' worth of groceries is not much use to a person who has nowhere to live, and no means of getting necessary clothing...In their misery, these unfortunate women are flocking to members of (Feminist organizations) begging for help." (Does anyone have dates for Cowan or Rischbieth?) 03-10 Anniversaries ........................................... B. 03-10-1842, Ina Donna Coolbrith, Poet Laureate of California. B. 03-10-1850, Mary Mills Patrick, founder and president of the Istanbul College for Women in Turkey. B. 03-10-1862, (Emily) Pauline Johnson, known as Tekahionwake. Canadian Indian poet. Her most noted work, _Flint and Feather_. B. 03-10-1867, Lillian D. Wald, organized the first nonsectarian public health nursing system in the world (1902) in New York City. B. 03-10-1876, Anna Hyatt Huntington, sculptor most noted for her animal pieces. Sculpted "Joan of Arc" on horseback, the bronze in New York City that has been widely replicated. D. 03-10-1913, Harriet Tubman, (date of birth unknown, probably in 1820). Born in slavery, she became the Moses of her people, leading more than 300 hundred slaves out of the South through the underground railway to Canada and freedom. Quote du jour ........................................... "So long has the myth of feminine inferiority prevailed that women themselves find it hard to believe that their own sex was once and for a very long time the superior and dominant sex. "In order to restore women to their ancient dignity and pride, they must be taught their own history, as the American blacks are being taught theirs." --Elizabeth Gould Davis in _The First Sex_. (Ed. Note: "I'm tryin', I'm tryin'.") ....................... * ........................ (C) 1995 Irene Stuber, PO Box 6185, Hot Springs National Park, AR 71902, irenestuber@delphi.com. Distribute verbatim copies freely with copyright notice for non-profit use. Don't let anyone tell you there weren't notable and effective women throughout history. They were always there, but historians failed to note them in our histories so that each generation of women has had to reinvent themselves.