Research effects of father absence



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This child was born around 551 BC in China to unmarried parents. His father was a poor elderly warrior and minor government official, and his mother was barely out of her teens. His father died when the child was three years old.

Despite their poverty, the boy's mother devoted her efforts to giving her son the best education she could. He was an earnest and hard-working student. He also worked as a shepherd, cowherd, and clerk. He developed a reputation for wisdom and fairness. At age 15 he became an assistant teacher. Two years later he became a director of agricultural works. And only a few years after that, he was promoted to a superintendent and minister of public lands.

At age 19, he got married to a girl named Qi Gua. He and his wife had two children. But then, when he was 23, his mother died. He left his wife and children, and went into seclusion, spending three years in formal mourning. During this period of contemplation, while meditating on his mother, he developed much of the material for the advice he later would give to others, often in the manner of parables or stories.

The young man became motivated to travel as a wandering teacher all over Asia, exhorting others to live virtuous lives. As he traveled, he gained more and more fame for his wisdom, and accumulated many followers.

After his death, his teachings ultimately were compiled by his followers into a book called Analects.

During his lifetime, this child established a philosophy of morals and ethics that to this day guides the conduct of millions of human beings. This world-famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist was

Kong Qiu, also known as Kong-fu-tse (Kong the teacher),
or Confucius, a boy from a "fatherless home."

This fatherless child story was researched and co-written by Elizabeth G.

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* The term "fatherless" is used in this series as it is in current research and policy rhetoric by the U.S. federal government, DHHS and the National Fatherhood Initiative, most U.S. states in connection with child custody law and policy, and various family values and fatherhood interest policy and lobbying groups.

"...Just add Dad, the magic ingredient. It's hard to know where wishful thinking becomes deliberate deception. But this argument, advanced by the fathers' rights movement, is like saying that, since Mercedes Benz owners make more money than people who drive Hyundais, you will become wealthy if you buy a Mercedes..." Mike Peterson



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